Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Abby's Graduation was a huge disappointment.
Rain....Rain... more Rain....
then an announcement:
"We will move graduation ceremonies into the gymnasium"
our decision:
"We are wet to the bone, we will go home"

Oh well, Abby has a good story to tell.


Things we love about London:
-The Underground
-Big Ben
-The Tower of London
- "Les Miserables"
-The Thames
-Free Museums
-Used book stores
-Westminister Abbey
-Handel's "Water Music" by candle light
-the BBC (even if they don't have a gift shop)
-Double decker buses
-French Food

To celebrate Abby's graduation from High School, Kip, Kari, Krista & Abby spent a week in London. Lots of walking and public transportation. Historical sites. Bad food. Great memories.

Garden Party

A wonderful evening celebrating
Krista's marriage to Alex Burkhart