dĭng'bāts n 1: Slang. an eccentric,empty-headed or silly person 2: small ornaments, gadgets or symbols
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Live Nativity
Abby & the Harp
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Emma made the rainbow jello. She did an excellent job and everyone loved it. Thanks to Laura O. for a new thanksgiving tradition. We also continue Kip's family tradition of "Bingo" after the meal. We play for candy bars.
Another one of our favorite thanksgiving traditions is Sweet Potato & Apples, thanks to Andrea for this fantastic recipe. (much better than the marshmallow dish, sorry Grandma)
'08 Headlines: October, November, December
Kip's calling meant that I was released as Stake Primary President. I had been in four years and had really enjoyed the work. I am now teaching Sunday School for the 15-16 years old. Abby is in the class and they are great. But, I'm finding I have a lot more time to fill. For two years now I have been working for my friend, Shauna, who owns a custom window treatment business. But business is slow because of the economy. During one week in August I was released from Primary, laid off from my job, and my last child went to school (after 19 years with a preschooler at home). Wow. It was all a huge change. I have done a lot of reading and practice the harp more. I've completed a lot of home projects and I'm trying to enjoy all the free time because I know it won't last.
Emma continues to make great progress on the harp. This fall we had to switch harp teachers because Ms. Suzanne moved out of state. We really miss her. Both Abby and Emma have had several opportunities to perform this fall. I think the best reaction comes from Kip. He loves it when anyone is practicing.
'08 Headlines: July, August, September
July was EFY for Abby and Girls Camp for Kari & Abby. Kari worked in the kitchen and Abby was a Stake Youth Leader.
Emma and Kari also spent a couple of days in Cedar City, Utah with some of the female relatives in Kari’s family. We met to donate Great-Grandma Redd's beaded "vestie" to the historical musuem in Parowan where she was born. It was great to be together and we loved attending two plays at the Utah Shakespeare Festival.
August was our 22nd wedding anniversary. We have always wanted to go to Mackinac Island, Michigan and so we took advantage of Krista being home for the summer and left for a few days. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and being together. Mackinac doesn't allow motor vehicles so we took our bikes and explored the island. Our bed & breakfast was very quiet and restful. We even went dancing at the Grand Hotel. (Remember the movie "Somewhere in Time"). The Grand also has one of the longest front porches in the world.
Kip really loves driving so we ended up driving completely around lake Michigan. (1220 total miles). The Upper Penisula was like a different country and even has it's own vocabulary. The shipping locks at Sault St. Marie were interesting as were the many water falls. We enjoyed another very lovely Bed and Breakfast and had a great time together.
In August Krista headed back to BYU. New schools for Quinn and Emma and lots of color guard practice for Abby.
'08 Headlines: April, May, June

In June, Quinn graduated from preschool and Emma graduated from Elementary school. Our stake youth did a pioneer reenactment trek. Abby found it to be very hard but very rewarding.

'08 Headlines: January, February, March
It was a long time coming, and a lot of work but we are thrilled to have it completed.
Krista’s boyfriend, Alex, spend a lot of time with us. He helped on the kitchen, was a huge part of Abby getting her 50 hours of practice drive time and really became a part of our family. One of Alex’s passions is cars and he has taught us how much we really don't know about cars. Krista came home for his mission farewell and he left in April for the San Fernando CA (Spanish speaking) mission.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Apple Cake Recipe
- 1/2 cup butter or margarine
- 2 cups flour
- 5 or 6 large apples (cored and shredded)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 eggs
Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs and mix. Add flour, salt and soda and blend well before adding shredded apples. Pour into greased 9 X 13 pan. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Butter Sauce
- 1 cup butter
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 Tablespoons flour
- 2 cups light cream
Cook over low heat 10 to 15 minutes until slightly thickened. Add ½ tsp. Vanilla and dash of nutmeg. While still hot pour over individual pieces of cake and serve. Can be made in advance and then reheated.
Friday, November 21, 2008

BTW Kip's boss thinks it is really weird that we became baseball fans as adults. We told him we had never lived where it was such a big deal--you really can't live in the midwest and not get caught up in it. He said, "Well, it's like an adult picking up smoking, it just isn't done."
Kip in Hong Kong

Dim Sum. Yummy!

This is his Tailor. He bought two hand made suits while he was there. Entirely customized to his measurements. They are beautiful and fit him very well.
When he told me he wanted to have a suit made I thought about the M*A*S*H* episode where one of the doctors had a suit made and when it is was delivered it was pinstripped. Only the strips were horizontal instead of vertical.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Beautiful Fall Day
Saying Goodbye
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fall means Marching Band
Living Room
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It's Autumn
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Gift
So, as my gift to Kip, I'm starting this blog. Don't expect it to be kept up to date. Don't expect me to write a ton (writing is not my favorite thing to do). Don't expect anything and nobody will be disappointed.
Ding Bats
Every family has words or phrases that are unique to the family. For us, one of the those phrases is "Ding Bat". It is usually used with great affection and often combined with the word "Goober". Who knows how this started but it is an appropriate title for our family blog. Our life rarely has huge events, just small ones that combine together to make our family culture. And, we have several members who ARE very silly people.