Thursday, December 4, 2008

'08 Headlines: October, November, December

It has been an interesting fall. Kip's work is very stressful and he is trying to juggle two pieces of the project-- the US implementation and the planning stages for Hong Kong. He was also released from the High Council (which is a great calling because his time was very flexible) and called to be the Stake Young Men's President (which requires a lot more meetings and less flexibility). He loves working with the youth and he has great counselors, but it has been a bit overwhelming for all of us. A happy thing though--he finished his ticket for Wood Badge. A great thing to have done!

Kip's calling meant that I was released as Stake Primary President. I had been in four years and had really enjoyed the work. I am now teaching Sunday School for the 15-16 years old. Abby is in the class and they are great. But, I'm finding I have a lot more time to fill. For two years now I have been working for my friend, Shauna, who owns a custom window treatment business. But business is slow because of the economy. During one week in August I was released from Primary, laid off from my job, and my last child went to school (after 19 years with a preschooler at home). Wow. It was all a huge change. I have done a lot of reading and practice the harp more. I've completed a lot of home projects and I'm trying to enjoy all the free time because I know it won't last.

New Suits for the men in the family. (See Nov. 22 blog for the story of Kip's suit). Quinn couldn't wait to geat dressed just like dad.

Emma continues to make great progress on the harp. This fall we had to switch harp teachers because Ms. Suzanne moved out of state. We really miss her. Both Abby and Emma have had several opportunities to perform this fall. I think the best reaction comes from Kip. He loves it when anyone is practicing.

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