-School finally let out on June 9th. We had a lot of snow days this year.
-Quinn finished Kindergarten and is looking forward to 1st grade (and eating lunch at school)
-Emma ended the year on a high note--Straight A's. She was also promoted to the next higher choir in YNS singing group.
-Abby-- BRACES OFF, finally. She has a new hair color and new glasses. Cute girl.

-Youth Conference. With Kip serving as Stake YM president and Abby on the youth committee for the conference we were very involved this year. It was a successful day--great speakers, activities and friends. Don't forget the AMAZING food (yeah, I was drafted to do the food for 130 people.) It went well. I think our favorite thing was the make-your-own Ice Cream Sandwiches. Very fun.
-Kip's International Travels
-Abby to EFY in Bloomington, IN, including a trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum for Quinn, Emma and I.
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