Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kip's Travels

Great picture. Kip sleeping at an airport with a "big, boring book" on his chest. Very typical.
Kip spent two weeks on the road this month. The first week was in Perth, Australia where he experienced an Australia "winter". Then it was off to Mumbia & Pune, India. Lots of interesting new experiences, food, people & even an adventure attending church. This trip included stops in Tokyo and Singapore. He returned tired but pleased with the work.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What happened in June?

-School finally let out on June 9th. We had a lot of snow days this year.
-Quinn finished Kindergarten and is looking forward to 1st grade (and eating lunch at school)
-Emma ended the year on a high note--Straight A's. She was also promoted to the next higher choir in YNS singing group.
-Abby-- BRACES OFF, finally. She has a new hair color and new glasses. Cute girl.
-Youth Conference. With Kip serving as Stake YM president and Abby on the youth committee for the conference we were very involved this year. It was a successful day--great speakers, activities and friends. Don't forget the AMAZING food (yeah, I was drafted to do the food for 130 people.) It went well. I think our favorite thing was the make-your-own Ice Cream Sandwiches. Very fun.
-Kip's International Travels
-Abby to EFY in Bloomington, IN, including a trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum for Quinn, Emma and I.