Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is coming...

The first weeks of December always mean
nativity performances and choir concerts.

Emma's children singing group performed some beautiful numbers
this year. I especially enjoyed "When I Close my eyes" and
"And the Angels Sang". The later was performed with an up
and coming opera singer and accompanied by harp & cello.
It was so beautiful I had tears in my eyes.

They also had an additional concert where they sang back up for
David Benoit in "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
I can hardly believe the amazing experience my daughter had to sing
on stage with such professional musicians.
She is getting some great musical training.

Quinn and friend Nate were shepherds in the live nativity this year
and this was their first time without a parent.
They are growing up!

Quiet Time

I love this picture of my sweet boy
enjoying some quiet reading time.

Funny Photo

We recently stayed in a hotel during a weekend trip.
Anyone care for a swim?