Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Highlights

The highlights from our Christmas holiday include:
-Grandma and Grandpa's visit
-Lots of weird weather; snow, extreme cold, freezing rain, heavy fog, warm rain, flooding
-Krista getting stuck in the airport and taking 24 hours (and three plane transfers to make it home)
-Our annual Christmas party with adult friends. Lots of laughter and visiting. A new yummy recipe for Chicken Wellington.
-Kip gets a new car-- an Infiniti G35x and Krista inherits his old one. She is thrilled that she doesn't have to rely on other people to do her grocery shopping now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kari, Was going through Christmas cards and saw your blog address. I loved reading about your family and the many things you are all involved in. I really loved visiting your book site. I have a stack to read right now, but will be back when I need a good book. Remember when we were teenagers and you were late getting home one night and your mom said something like "You had two more pages before I came looking for you!" We all thought that was so funny, but I totally understand what she meant now!

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and let you know it was fun visiting your life for a couple of minutes. Hope all is well. Enjoy the extra time to yourself. It will surely never last!

Love ya, Colleen